
Student Progress Reports

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  • To measure your development as a researcher during the program and to determine the current status of your research project.
  • To ensure that you and your mentors are in good communication with each other and that the program’s administration (directors, deans, etc) are up to date on the research progress that you have made in the last year.

The report is due in October and sent to the NIH OxCam Office.

You will receive a fillable PDF that will Include the following fields and space for electronic signatures from both of your mentors:

Name and class year:
Project title:
NIH Mentor Name:
NIH Institute: 
University Mentor:
University and Department:
Time Frame for Graduation: 
Date of first year viva or transfer report:

Major research accomplishments:

  • Discoveries or breakthroughs
  • Preliminary findings of interest
  • Aims and goals accomplished
  • Milestones achieved
  • New methods or techniques learned or developed

Research difficulties and corrective measures taken:

  • Problems encountered
  • Unexpected results
  • Changes made to plans or aims (current or future)
  • New hypothesis formed

Timeline for the next academic year:

  • Mentor expectations (both NIH and UK)
  • Planned experiments
  • Future direction of the project
  • Plans for moving to NIH/UK/Medical School
  • If writing your thesis, expected date of completion and date of viva

Personal/Professional development (list format):

  • Courses and/or training (taken or scheduled) - Title/Date
  • Papers - Title/Publication
  • Presentations - Title/Event
  • Conferences (attended or scheduled) - Name/Dates
  • Awards and recognition
  • Career Plans

Additional Mentor notes/feedback



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