
Travel and Attendance Scientific Meetings

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Once you formally begin the NIH OxCam program (early August), all travel at all times must be arranged via the NIH travel orders mechanism. Travel arrangements and issuance of travel orders are carried out by your NIH lab's Administrative Officer (AO). Ask your NIH mentor to introduce you to your travel planner and AO. Generally, travel orders should be submitted as far in advance as possible. See the following specific guidelines:

  • Identify and communicate with your NIH mentor about meetings you wish to attend (one year in advance if possible).
  • International travel:  3-6 months planning time
  • Domestic travel: 1-2 months planning time
  • You will not be reimbursed for travel arrangements made on your own. All travel arrangements must go through your NIH travel planner.

All travel requests must be for official program or conference travel only. NIH funds cannot be used for visits home or personal trips.



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