
Research Opportunities

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Prospective Students

The goal of the NIH Oxford-Cambridge (OxCam) Scholars Program is to create, foster, and advance unique and collaborative research opportunities between NIH laboratories and laboratories at the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge. Each OxCam Scholar develops a collaborative research project that will constitute his/her doctoral training. Each Scholar also select two mentors – one at the NIH and one in the UK – who work together to guide the Scholar throughout the research endeavor.

Students may select from two categories of projects: Self-designed or Prearranged. OxCam Scholars may create a self-designed project, which enables students to develop a collaborative project tailored to his/her specific scientific interests by selecting one NIH mentor and one UK mentor with expertise in the desired research area(s). Alternatively, students may select a prearranged project provided by NIH and/or UK Investigator(s) willing to mentor an OxCam Scholar in their lab.

Self-designed Projects 
Students may create a novel (or de novo) project based on their unique research interests. Students have the freedom to contact any PI at NIH or at Oxford or Cambridge to build a collaboration from scratch. The NIH Intramural Research Program (IRP) represents a community of approximately 1,200 tenured and tenure-track investigators providing a wealth of opportunity to explore a wide variety of research interests. Students may visit https://irp.nih.gov to identify NIH PIs performing research in the area of interest. For additional tips on choosing a mentor, please visit our Training Plan.

Prearranged Projects
Investigators at NIH or at Oxford or Cambridge have voluntarily offered collaborative project ideas for NIH OxCam Scholars. These projects are provided below and categorized by research area, NIH Institute/Center, and University. In some cases, a full collaboration with two mentors is already in place. In other instances, only one PI is identified, which allows the student to select a second mentor to complete the collaboration. Please note that prearranged project offerings are continuously updated throughout the year and are subject to change.

1 Search Results

Health Disparities

Understanding Racial Differences In Heart Failure And Outcomes

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
NIH Mentor:

Dr. Veronique Roger

Project Details:

Despite recent improvements in population health and prevention, heart failure prevalence and mortality are stagnant overall, with a disproportionate burden in Black, Hispanic and South Asian populations.

Single centre studies provide highly phenotyped populations covering genomics, metabolomics, advanced imaging and longitudinal health trends. In contrast large centralized healthcare data covers decades of hospital admissions and mortality for millions of people, with this data growing in depth, richness and complexity. Collaborations that leverage both approaches have the unique potential of providing needed new insights in the poorly understood heart failure syndrome.

Using advanced cardiac magnetic resonance imaging capabilities and novel biomarkers (NIH), we will conduct deep phenotyping in a diverse cohort of patients with heart failure to elucidate disease phenotypes and differences between races. At a national level (University of Cambridge) we will look at equitability of access to advanced imaging (such as MRI) and interventions (implantable defibrillators) and the impact of these on health outcomes.

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