
Research Opportunities

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Prospective Students

The goal of the NIH Oxford-Cambridge (OxCam) Scholars Program is to create, foster, and advance unique and collaborative research opportunities between NIH laboratories and laboratories at the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge. Each OxCam Scholar develops a collaborative research project that will constitute his/her doctoral training. Each Scholar also select two mentors – one at the NIH and one in the UK – who work together to guide the Scholar throughout the research endeavor.

Students may select from two categories of projects: Self-designed or Prearranged. OxCam Scholars may create a self-designed project, which enables students to develop a collaborative project tailored to his/her specific scientific interests by selecting one NIH mentor and one UK mentor with expertise in the desired research area(s). Alternatively, students may select a prearranged project provided by NIH and/or UK Investigator(s) willing to mentor an OxCam Scholar in their lab.

Self-designed Projects 
Students may create a novel (or de novo) project based on their unique research interests. Students have the freedom to contact any PI at NIH or at Oxford or Cambridge to build a collaboration from scratch. The NIH Intramural Research Program (IRP) represents a community of approximately 1,200 tenured and tenure-track investigators providing a wealth of opportunity to explore a wide variety of research interests. Students may visit https://irp.nih.gov to identify NIH PIs performing research in the area of interest. For additional tips on choosing a mentor, please visit our Training Plan.

Prearranged Projects
Investigators at NIH or at Oxford or Cambridge have voluntarily offered collaborative project ideas for NIH OxCam Scholars. These projects are provided below and categorized by research area, NIH Institute/Center, and University. In some cases, a full collaboration with two mentors is already in place. In other instances, only one PI is identified, which allows the student to select a second mentor to complete the collaboration. Please note that prearranged project offerings are continuously updated throughout the year and are subject to change.

243 Search Results


Characterizing the psychological and neural mechanisms by which expectations and other cognitive and affective factors influence pain, emotional experience, and clinical outcomes.

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
NIH Mentor:

Dr. Lauren Atlas

UK Mentor:
Project Details:

Pathogenic mechanisms and novel therapies for lysosomal storage disorders and other neurodegenerative diseases

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
NIH Mentor:

Dr. Richard Proia

UK Mentor:

Prof. Francis Platt

Project Details:
Genetics & Genomics

Genomic and genetic basis of sex differences in development, physiology, and behavior.

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
NIH Mentor:

Dr. Brian Oliver

UK Mentor:
Project Details:

Regulation of Hepatitis B Virus Infection by Hypoxic Signaling Pathways.

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
NIH Mentor:

Prof. Jake Liang

Project Details:

Viruses are obligate parasites that have evolved to manipulate their host to their advantage. Chronic viral infection of the liver is a global health problem, with over 300 million individuals infected with hepatitis B (HBV) or C (HCV) virus that causes liver disease which can progress to liver cancer. Viral hepatitis-related liver disease is the number 4 disease-related killer worldwide and is associated with more than 1 million deaths/year, highlighting an urgent need for new curative treatments. We recently discovered that low oxygen environments, naturally found in the liver, enhance HBV replication at several steps in the viral life cycle. Similar condition may apply to HCV replication. Cellular response to low oxygen is regulated by a family of oxygenases and hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs) that control genes involved in energy metabolism and other cellular processes. This project will study the role of hypoxic signaling and related metabolic pathways in HBV or HCV replication and their impact on pathogenesis, immune based and epigenetic therapies.

The successful candidate will investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying these observations. In particular, we will (i) identify the role of HIFs in HBV cccDNA biogenesis, transcription and metabolism, and production of infectious particles, and conduct comparative studies in HCV replication (ii) analyze how these host-virus interactions are shaped by the tissue microenvironment, genetic manipulations and metabolic parameters. The project has basic and translational research components and applies state-of-the-art technologies, tools and model systems to study HBV infection and its mechanism of disease. Taken together, this exciting project builds on strong preliminary results and existing expertise that may lead to new therapeutic targets and antiviral development.

*This project is available for the 2021 Oxford-NIH Pilot Programme*

Chemical Biology

Determine how changes in blood glucose can affect hunger and its role in diabetes

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
NIH Mentor:

Dr. Michael Krashes

UK Mentor:

Dr. Mark Evans

Project Details:

This project aims to determine how changes in blood glucose can affect hunger and the drive to feed and examine how this can be altered in conditions such as diabetes.


Hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose) is a complication of the treatment of diabetes with insulin. It is feared by people with diabetes and is associated with increased risk of death. One of the important defences against a falling blood glucose is the generation of hunger- a potent defence which both warns and directs towards corrective action to help restore blood glucose. A subset of people with diabetes develop defective defensive responses to and warning symptoms (including hunger) of hypoglycaemia. This puts them at a markedly increased risk of suffering severe episodes of hypoglycaemia.


We want to determine how hypoglycaemic feeding is triggered and the mechanisms by which this may become altered in diabetes. To examine this in murine models, we will combine the skills of Evans’ laboratory (hypoglycaemia, insulin clamp methodology, operant conditioning feeding assessment) located within the Institute of Metabolic Science with broader interest and expertise in appetite and feeding with Krashes’ laboratory (neurocircuitry of feeding) to examine how and where glucoprivic feeding maps onto both conventional feeding pathways and also the neurocircuitry which triggers other counter-regulatory responses to hypoglycaemia. The student will examine how this adapts after exposure to antecedent hypoglycaemia. Finally, they will examine potential therapeutic targets to boost/ restore or prevent the loss of protective hunger in diabetes with recurrent hypoglycaemia.


Investigating the role of transcription factor networks in T cell immunoregulatory fate decisions

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
Project Details:

Regulatory T cells expressing the FoxP3 transcription factor (Tregs) are arguably the most important naturally-occurring anti-inflammatory cells in the body and are prime candidates for cellular therapy of autoimmunity and transplant rejection. They are potently immunosuppressive, indispensable for maintaining self-tolerance and in resolving inflammation. Tregs can be induced to develop dichotomously from naïve precursors that also have the ability to differentiate into inflammatory T cell lineages. The choice of differentiation pathway (“fate decisions”) is directed by environmental signals and interplay between many transcription factors working within networks. The expression of many genes is required for a healthy immune response and this is highlighted by the discovery of many gene mutations that are associated with very early onset auto-immune disease.

Our goal is to understand how transcriptional signals from the environment are integrated in T cells to determine inflammatory versus regulatory T cell differentiation and the quality and duration of effector function. Experimental approaches will involve genomics of patients with primary immuno-deficiencies and very early onset colitis, next generation sequencing platforms (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, Cut&Run, ATAC-seq, scRNAseq), molecular and cell biology, CRISPR genome editing and in vivo murine models.


Revealing circuit mechanisms of contextual control of feeding behavior

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
NIH Mentor:

Dr. Michael Krashes

UK Mentor:

Prof. David Dupret

Project Details:

Humans and animals adjust their feeding behaviour according to many environmental factors, including the spatial context where food is found and consumed. Such contextual control of food seeking and eating is notably central to the ability to meet future needs and maximise chances of survival to changes in feeding routines but their underpinning brain network mechanisms and pathways remain unclear. The Dupret laboratory (MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit at the University of Oxford) investigates how the concerted spiking activity of neurons supports memory and the Krashes laboratory NIH/NIDDK) investigates homeostatic and non-homeostatic feeding behaviour. An integrated project between the two labs, in collaboration with an NIH OxCam Scholar would be designed to enable the pursuit of an Ph.D. revealing circuit mechanisms of contextual control of feeding behaviour using in vivo large-scale network recordings in behaving rodents, combined with optogenetic and closed-loop optogenetic manipulations.

Genetics & Genomics

Understanding how germ cells ensure genome integrity and the survival of future generations

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
NIH Mentor:

Dr. Astrid Haase

Project Details:

Germline genomes are immortal.  Their genetic information is transmitted to the next generation and ensures that continuation of life.  To protect the integrity of their genomic information, germ cells employ a specialized small RNA-based defense system, PIWI-interacting small RNAs (piRNAs) and their PIWI protein partners.  The interest of the Karam Teixera lab in germ cell biology and evolution and the focus of the Haase lab on mechanisms of small silencing RNAs converge on piRNA-guided surveillance of genome integrity. The collaborative project of an OxCam Scholar is designed to combine strength of both labs in genetics, biochemistry and genomics, and offers training in experimental techniques and basic computational analyses of next-generation sequencing data.  Results from this graduate study will further our understanding of how germ cells ensure genome integrity and the survival of future generations. 


Understanding the cellular pathways that underlie risk and resilience to Alzheimer’s disease

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
UK Mentor:
Project Details:

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease. It affects millions of individuals worldwide. Because of large scale genomic studies, we know a number of genetic risk factors that increase the risk for disease. We also know a few factors that promote resilience to disease onset. The Narayan lab seeks to identify, understand, and modulate the cellular pathways that underlie risk and resilience to Alzheimer’s disease.  We do this with the goal of developing new therapeutic or preventative strategies for neurodegenerative diseases. To accomplish our research goals, we use a combination of genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived neuronal and glial cell types. We’re excited to welcome new team members interested in studying the cell biology behind neurodegenerative disease risk.

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

Understanding how cells use protein quality control (PQC) strategies to eliminate misfolded proteins

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
NIH Mentor:

Dr. Yihong Ye (NIDDK)

UK Mentor:
Project Details:

The goal of our research is to understand how cells use various protein quality control (PQC) strategies to eliminate misfolded proteins, and how defects in these processes lead to aging-associated neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Specifically, we study the molecular mechanisms underlying protein translocation-associated quality control at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the export of misfolded proteins via unconventional protein secretion, and cell-to-cell transmission of misfolded alpha-Synuclein and Tau aggregates. We envision that a thorough characterization of these protein quality control systems may one day improve both diagnosis and treatment of aging-associated neurodegenerative diseases.

RNA Biology

Understanding the molecular mechanisms leading to R-loop-associated diseases

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
NIH Mentor:

Dr. Robert Crouch

UK Mentor:

Dr. Natalia Gromak

Project Details:

Unusual RNA/DNA structures (R-loops) are formed when the RNA hybridizes to a complementary DNA strand, displacing the other DNA strand in this process. R-loops are formed in all living organisms and play crucial roles in regulating gene expression, DNA and histone modifications, generation of antibody diversity, DNA replication and genome stability. R-loops are also implicated in human diseases, including neurodegeneration, cancer mitochondrial diseases and HIV-AIDs.

Collaboration between Prof Crouch (NIH) and Dr. Gromak (Oxford) labs will focus on understanding the regulation of R-loops and uncover the molecular mechanisms which lead to R-loop-associated diseases. We will employ state-of-the-art techniques including CRISPR, Mass Spectrometry and molecular biology approaches to understand the principles of R-loop biology in health and disease conditions. In the long term the findings from this project will be essential for the development of new therapeutic approaches for R-loop-associated disorders.

*This project is available for the 2021 Oxford-NIH Pilot Programme*

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

Small RNA and small protein regulators 

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
NIH Mentor:

Dr. Gisela Storz

UK Mentor:
Project Details:

The project will use X-ray crystallography, cryoEM, microbial genetics and molecular biology to explore how small RNAs and small proteins act as regulators with speed and precision in diverse bacteria.


Regulation of neuronal plasticity – integration of synaptic signaling pathways

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
NIH Mentor:

Dr. Mihaela Serpe

Project Details:

Neuronal plasticity is fundamental to nervous system development and function. We have recently discovered that reactive oxygen species (ROS), known for their destructive capacity in the ageing or diseased brain, function as second messengers for implementing structural plasticity at synaptic terminals. Moreover, different sources of ROS (cytoplasmic vs mitochondrially generated) regulate genetically distinct aspects of synapse development (growth vs release site number). Do ROS sculpt synapse plasticity in response to the metabolic state of neurons? How does ROS signaling intersect with other signaling pathways regulating synaptic plasticity, such as BMP and Wnt? This project will combine biochemical and genetic approaches with electrophysiology and methods for live and super-resolution imaging to investigate the contribution of various signaling pathways to synapse plasticity. We expect this project to redefine our understanding of how multiple signaling pathways integrate at the synapse to regulate distinct elements of plasticity.

Cancer Biology

Understanding the mechanisms of tumorigenesis in individuals with predisposition to neuroendocrine tumor syndromes

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
NIH Mentor:

Dr. Karel Pacak

UK Mentor:
Project Details:

Undertake genomic and epigenomic studies into the mechanisms of tumorigenesis in individuals with inherited predisposition to neuroendocrine tumor syndromes, especially pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma associated with mutations in the Krebs cycle. Such discoveries can lead to understanding of developmental and other mechanisms in these tumors related to the same syndrome but behaving in a different way and occurring in different tissue of origin. Such data can be paramount to study novel therapeutic approaches for these tumors based on the discovery on novel tumor-specific targets as well as biomarkers.


Viral disease pathogenesis and vaccine development

Project Listed Date:
Institute or Center:
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
NIH Mentor:

Dr. Vincent Munster

Project Details:

Some of the most globally impactful diseases are caused by emerging and re-emerging viral pathogens. We have a long-standing collaboration with Vincent Munster at the NIH, investigating disease pathogenesis and developing vaccines against a number of outbreak pathogens.
This project represents an opportunity to join this world-class team to advance these works, investigating the mechanisms of disease, deriving correlates of protection, testing new therapeutic interventions and deriving structural determinants of disease through collaboration with Prof. Thomas Bowden.

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