
Frequently Asked Questions

5 Search Results

What if I'm already in medical school?

Students enrolled in an MD/PhD program at U.S. medical school should apply for Track 2 of the NIH program at the beginning of the first year of medical school. Please visit the NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program website for more information

May I pick my track (or training pathway)?

There are three tracks (or training pathways) available through the NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program. Your track is determined by your current student/enrollment status.

If you have completed a Bachelor's/Master's degree and/or postbaccalaureate program and are simultaneously applying to medical school and the NIH program, you are considered a MD/PhD Track 1 applicant

If you are currently in medical school and are applying to the NIH Program, you are considered a MD/PhD Track 2 applicant.

If you are a current student in one of the NIH Graduate Partnership Programs and interested in pursuing a medical degree, you are considered a Track 3 applicant. Please note there are limited slots for Track 3 acceptance and funding.

For more information, visit the NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program website.

What if my school does not have MSTP funding?

Students enrolled in schools that do not have MSTP funding are eligible to apply to the OxCam MD/PhD Program. However, these students are not eligible to receive supplementary funding from the NIH.

What if I'm in an MD program, not MD/PhD?

Students in a medical program are eligible to apply to the program. However, students enrolled in a medical program are not eligible to receive supplementary funding from the NIH. You may find more information on the NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program website. Students may also elect speak to your medical school about options for dual degree training.

Do I have to be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to apply?

Yes, at this time it is required that any applicant be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

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