172 Search Results
Dr. Michael Sack (NHLBI) and
Prof. Jules Griffin (Cambridge)
Dr. Martin Brechbiel (NCI)
and Prof. Peter Dobson (Oxford)
Nanomedicine : development of a tri-imageable nanoparticle for diagnostics
Dr. Robert Seder (NIAID-VRC) and
Prof. Benoit Van den Eynde (Oxford)
Dr. Robert Seder (NIAID-VRC)
and Prof. Adrian Hill (Oxford)
Pre-clinical and clinical evaluation of the malaria vaccines ñPFRH5-VLPî and ñPFSPZî vaccine
Dr. Ronald Schwartz (NIAID)
and Prof. Richard Cornall (Oxford)
Themis is a member of a new metazoan gene family and is required for the completion of thymocyte positive selection
Dr. Richard Siegel (NIAMS)
and Prof. Kenneth Smith (Cambridge)
Studies of genetic variation in the tumour necrosis factor cytokine and receptor superfamilies in autoimmunity and autoinflammation
Dr. Michael Lenardo (NIAID)
and Prof. John Todd (Cambridge)
Aetiology, Early Diagnosis, and Therapeutic Strategies in Type 1 Diabetes
Dr. Kareem Zaghloul (NINDS)
and Prof. Peter Brown (Oxford)
The role of subthalamic nucleus oscillatory activity as it pertains to decision making
Dr. Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz (NICHD)
and Prof. Folma Buss (Cambridge)
Examining Connexin-43 Gap Junction remodeling by the cytoskeleton, an unconventional myosin motor and other cellular machinery
Dr. Judith Walters (NINDS)
and Prof. John Stein (Oxford)
Comparing the radiological anatomy, electrophysiology, and behavioral roles of the pedunculopontine and subthalamic nuclei in the normal and Parkinsonian brain