

172 Search Results

Thao Do
Entry Year 2010
University NIH Oxford Scholar
NIH Institute Center National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Dr. Sriram Subramaniam (NCI) 
and Prof. Quentin Sattentau (Oxford)

Thao's Thesis title

Imaging of HIV-1 Spread from T Cells and Macrophages to Astrocytes

Thomas Johnson
Entry Year 2006
University NIH Cambridge Scholar
NIH Institute Center National Eye Institute (NEI)

Dr. Stanislav Tomarev (NEI) 
and Prof. Keith Martin (Cambridge)

Thomas 's Thesis title

Investigations of novel cell transplantation-based therapies for glaucoma

Thomas Lozito
Entry Year 2006
University NIH Cambridge Scholar
NIH Institute Center National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)

Dr. Rocky Tuan (NIAMS) and
Prof. Chris Dobson (Cambridge)

Thomas 's Thesis title

Cross-talk between mesenchymal stem cells and their matrix microenvironment

Tomasz Macura
Entry Year 2004
University NIH Cambridge Scholar
NIH Institute Center National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Dr. Ilya Goldberg (NIA)
and Prof. Ken Moody (Cambridge)

Tomasz's Thesis title

Automating the quantitative analysis of microscopy images

Tracy Laabs
Entry Year 2004
University NIH Cambridge Scholar
NIH Institute Center National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

Dr. Herbert Geller (NHLBI)
and Prof. James Fawcett (Cambridge)

Tracy's Thesis title

Chondroitin sulfate synthesis and the inhibition of axonal regeneration

Tracy Yuen
Entry Year 2006
University NIH Cambridge Scholar
NIH Institute Center National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

Dr. Henry McFarland (NINDS) and
Prof. Robin Franklin (Cambridge)

Tracy's Thesis title

Identification of inflammatory factors that promote remyelination

Tricia Peters
Entry Year 2006
University NIH Cambridge Scholar
NIH Institute Center National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Dr. Michael Leitzmann (NCI)
and Prof. Nick Wareham (Cambridge)

Tricia 's Thesis title

Physical activity and breast cancer risk

Victoria Avanzato
Entry Year 2017
University NIH Oxford Scholar MD/PhD
NIH Institute Center National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Dr. Vincent Munster (NIAID-RML) and
Prof. Thomas Bowden (Oxford)

Victoria 's Thesis title N/A
Wendy Chang
Entry Year 2005
University NIH Cambridge Scholar
NIH Institute Center National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

Dr. Ron McKay (NINDS)
and Prof. Trevor Robbins (Cambridge)

Wendy's Thesis title

Foxa2 and the birth and death of midbrain dopamine neurons

Will Motley
Entry Year 2007
University NIH Oxford Scholar
NIH Institute Center National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

Dr. Kenneth Fischbeck (NINDS) 
and Prof. Kay Davies (Oxford)

Will 's Thesis title

Glycyl-tRNA synthetase mutations in neurological disease : mechanisms and models

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