172 Search Results
Dr. Chris McBain (NICHD)
and Prof. Ingo Greger (Cambridge)
Biophysical Investigations of AMPA Receptor N-terminal Domain Structure and Function Reveal Mechanisms Underlying Recpetor Assembly, Dynamics, and Allosteric Potential
Dr. Sriram Subramaniam (NCI)
and Prof. Judith Armitage (Oxford)
Structural Studies of Signal Transduction in Bacterial Chemotaxis and Metabolism-Related Cancer Targets
Dr. Maximilian Muenke (NHGRI)
and Prof. Lon Cardon (Oxford)
Unraveling the genetic architecture of human traits
Dr. Owen Rennert (NICHD)
and Prof. Azim Surani (Cambridge)
Functional Genomics Studies of Human Brain Development and Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Dr. Husseini Manji (NIMH)
and Prof. Sabine Bahn (Cambridge)
Molecular studies to further understand the pathophysiology and treatment of bipolar affective disorder
Dr. Hans Ackerman (NIAID)
and Prof. David Roberts (Oxford)
Biochemical Determinants of Nitric Oxide Synthesis in Severe Malaria
Dr. Francis Collins (NHGRI)
and Prof. Anna Gloyn (Oxford)
Genetic, functional, and phenotypic analysis of human variants in the glucokinase regulatory protein gene
Dr. Michael Lenardo (NIAID)
and Prof. Alan Fersht (Cambridge)
Biophysical properties of NF-kappaB and MagT1: proteins mediating T cell activation and effector functions
Dr. Ashish Lal (NCI)
and Prof. Walter Bodmer (Oxford)
MicroRNA-215 regulates differentiation in colorectal cancer stem cells
Dr. Eric Green (NHGRI)
and Prof. Anthony Monaco (Oxford)
Functional characterization of the dyslexia candidate gene KIAA0319